
Showing posts from August, 2020

Before the foundation of the world

The Father loved the Son before the foundation of the world (John 17:24).  The Lamb foreordained (1Pet 1:20) and slained (Rev 13:8) before the foundation of the world.  The believers chosen in Him (Eph 1:4) to inherit the kingdom (Mat 25:34) before the foundation of the world. 

Parable of the mina (Luke 19:11-27)

Luke 19:11-27 In this parable, there 3 groups of people. Which group are you in?  1. The two faithful servants who multiplied their Lord's properties, they received their due rewards , and even those from the unfaithful servant, and a commendation from their Lord.  2. The unfaithful servant who did not put his master's mina to good use and blamed his master for his unfaithfulness, he suffered loss and a repremand.  3. The enemies of the Lord who rejected His rule, they were destroyed .  The first group represents the faithful Christians, who built with gold, silver and precious stones , receiving their rewards at the Judgment Seat of Christ.  The second group represents the unfaithful Christians who built using wood, hay and stubble , suffering loss at the testing with fire, but salvation remains.  The third group are the unbelievers who will be judged at the Great White Throne and be cast into hell for eternal punishment. 

Servant of Jehovah

Jesus as the Servant of Jehovah - prophecised in Isaiah (Mat 12:18) - actualized in the Gospels (Mat 20:28) - glorified in Acts (Acts 3:13) - exemplified in the Epistles as the bond servant for believers to emulate (Phi 2:7)